While increasing sales can help solve problems in a small business, they can also hide problems that, if not identified and corrected, can be detrimental. For companies in distress or undergoing rapid growth, it is imperative that there is sufficient cash flow and efficient liquidity management to support operations.
Small businesses are often run by their top and bottom lines, yet one of the leading causes of distress, which can occur during times of rapid growth, is when cash gets constrained and liquidity dries up. This can lead to a cascading effect causing challenges to other operating aspects of the business.
In addition to helping our clients with developing cash forecasts, we also project cash requirements by comparing future and past cash needs. Then we assist in identifying inside sources of cash by maximizing asset efficiency, and target outside sources of cash by negotiating with suppliers, creditors, and customers, and sourcing secured lenders. This builds a foundation that strengthens the business and ensures access to the capital that is needed while properly managing the capital on hand.